In honor of International Women in Engineering Day, we would like to recognize Jennifer Elms!
Jennifer’s career has been an example of going after what you love. She attributes her mom and dad as her inspiration for pursuing a career in engineering. Her parents were math and science teachers, and math was always her favorite subject. She taught high school math initially but returned to school to pursue an engineering degree. Jennifer has been doing long-range water planning, permitting, and design work since 2006. She acknowledges the support of her parents, influential industry figures in the Houston water industry, and her friend and sorority sister, Kristin Hincke, who instilled in her a sense of service to others. Jennifer has made significant contributions during her career but cherishes the first wastewater plant she designed solo. Her involvement with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) has been another highlight in her career. Jennifer served as chair of the largest single-state section and Vice President of an organization comprising 55,000 water industry professionals.
Jennifer’s advice to women pursuing a career in engineering is simple yet powerful: Get involved and be proactive in seeking opportunities. Her career journey is a testament to the importance of taking initiative and not waiting for opportunities to come to you.