Indigo Development
A 235-acre development located in the extra-territorial jurisdiction of Richmond, Texas, this vibrant mixed-use residential development will provide “Places for People.”
Mandola Farms
An 88-acre single family development with 263 lots inside the city limits of Richmond, Texas, for Meritage Homes.
Sweetgrass Village
Sweetgrass Village and Barrett Crossing are two separate communities that share region facilities in northeast Harris County. The entire development is 260 acres with nearly 1100 planned lots, including large scale amenities and green space, include a lake centrally located for all residents.
Still Creek Ranch
A 142-acre single family development with nearly 500 lots and over twenty acres in commercial development located in the extra-territorial jurisdiction of Rosenberg.
Arabella on the Prairie
A 390-acre single-family development with nearly 1100 lots in the extra-territorial jurisdiction of Rosenberg.
A 179-acre single-family and multi-family development with the distinction of being the first low-impact residential development in Fort Bend County to utilize bioretention cells.
Pecan Grove MUD Installation of Emergency Generators
This project included the installation of 250 KW and 400 KW natural gas generators at Water Plant No. 1 and Water Well No. 5. Construction also included electrical modifications, concrete slabs, coordination for natural gas service, and site restoration.
Fort Bend County MUD No. 162 WWTP No. 1
Odyssey has performed extensive planning for Fort Bend County MUD No. 162 to meet the needs of a rapidly growing area. The District has four new developments with multiple phases in design or under construction, and Odyssey assisted the District in determining how to serve its growing wastewater needs efficiently.
Pecan Grove MUD Old South Drive Pavement Replacement
The removal of a segment of Old South Drive to replace failing concrete located atop a drainage culvert required extensive coordination with both Fort Bend County and the City of Richmond.
Fort Bend County WCID No. 3 Lake 5
The existing amenity Lake 5 was over-excavated and lined with clay to stop seepage and expensive supplemental well water from maintaining static water levels for residents’ enjoyment. The existing side slopes were maintained, and over 15,000 cubic yards of material were removed and replaced with a 2-foot clay liner.
Jones Creek Slope Rehabilitation
The Jones Creek Slope Rehabilitation project consisted of rehabilitating existing side slopes for over 3,300 linear feet of Jones Creek located in Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District (PGMUD), which supports the structural levee at the high bank.
Runneburg Estates Subdivision Drainage Improvements
Odyssey Engineering Group performed a Drainage Impact Analysis for subdivision drainage improvements. The project area has experienced repetitive structural flooding, with structural flood events documented on at least eight occasions between 1979 and 2017.
Sweetgrass Village Detention
The Regional Detention and Outfall project consisted of approximately 300,000 CY of excavation to serve the phase one development of Sweetgrass Village Development and construct the 7,500 linear foot outfall channel that will ultimately serve the entire 1,000ac development.
Windstone on the Prairie Detention
This project involved approximately 450,000 cubic yards of excavation, 1,000 feet of storm sewer, and a pump station with an outfall to a TxDOT roadside ditch. The massive detention pond will serve three sections of single family development.
Still Creek Ranch Phase 1 Detention
Odyssey Engineering Group prepared a hydrologic and hydraulic study of the 2,100-acre (3.3 sq.mi.) watershed for Big Creek Lateral II-B-7 in Central Fort Bend County. The study was performed in support of the 42-acre Still Creek Ranch Phase 1 single-family residential development located in a FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area Zone A.
Arabella on the Prairie Detention
Odyssey Engineering Group performed hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for the 400-acre Arabella on the Prairie single-family land development in Central Fort Bend County. We used HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS 1D/2D unsteady flow modeling in a hydraulically sensitive area to prove that the development would not adversely impact any flood hazard conditions.
Gosling Oaks Commercial Town Center
Multiple phase project including both public and private improvements to develop a once heavily wooded, majorly encumbered 100-year floodplain site into an upscale commercial town center with multiple retail out parcels and 350+ unit multi-family component.
Creekside Park South Business Park
Located off FM 2978 on the fringe of Harris County, this light industrial business park completed the first construction phase in Q2 2023. Critical project elements included designing an offline regional detention pond in the rear of the site, earthwork balancing, strategic site planning, and extensive access management coordination with TxDOT.
Downtown Richmond Starbucks & Retail
In the downtown Richmond Historical District, Odyssey collaboratively worked with the developer, architect, planner, and traffic consultants to successfully develop a Starbucks, retail, and restaurant overlooking the Brazos River.
Northwest Harris County No. 24
Northwest Harris County MUD No. 24 (the District) is approximately 400 acres servicing more than 400 connections. The District envisioned a GIS that would enhance operations for utility management with a location-based system of record. The project encompassed Web GIS managed services, coupled with precise field locating of above-ground assets and managed data management services.
Harris County MUD No. 33
Harris County MUD No. 33 (the District) is approximately 500 acres servicing over 1,700 connections. The District envisioned a GIS that would enhance operations for utility management with a location-based system of record. The project encompassed Web GIS managed services, coupled with precise field locating of above-ground assets and managed data management services.
Pecan Grove MUD
Pecan Grove MUD (the District) is approximately 1,700 acres servicing over 4,440 connections. The District envisioned a GIS that would enhance operations for utility management with a location-based system of record. The project encompassed Web GIS managed services, coupled with precise field locating of above-ground assets and managed data management services.